Industries Served

Whether you manage a single office building, a campus consisting of several buildings, or a network including multiple locations requiring centralized management, you need your security systems to provide value well beyond the basic benefits of security, loss prevention, and risk management.

ProFAVE, LLC home security systems and commercial video surveillance systems are designed to address the surveillance and operational needs for homes and businesses of any size, and empower you to grow as you go. We are committed to you, your security, and your peace of mind.


Security means something different for every business. No matter which type of business you operate, we will work with you to understand the specific needs of YOUR application, and customize a security solution to deliver the desired results.

<< Click on the links to the left to explore some of the Industries we serve.

Contact Our Security Experts Today!

Call now at 720-560-4100 to discuss your project. We will provide a FREE security needs analysis and will work with you to meet your security needs and budget.

Free Security Analysis

Fill out the form below to receive a free, no obligation needs analysis and quote from a security expert anywhere in Northern Colorado.